National! Tiffiny's Tipton Bakery goal is to have the "Tipton Bakery Crescent" available Nationally!

Dreamer: Tiffiny Meinert

Business: Tiffiny's Tipton Bakery

Location: Tipton, IA

Industry Contest: Quad Cities 2013

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National!!! The goal of Tiffiny's Tipton Bakery is to have the "Tipton Bakery Crescent" tm be available Nationally! The Tipton Bakery was started in 1928 by the Hartog Family and introduced their delightful, mouthwatering Tipton Bakery Crescent. Unfortunately on March 1st 2012 the bakery closed it's door due to the current owner being ill. After 84 years Tipton had lost one of it's landmark businesses. The community rallied around the Meinert family to take over the bakery and on July 20, 2012 the bakery was reopened. One goal of the Meinert's is to make the "Tipton Bakery Crescent" a household name nationally.

In March 2013 a celebration was held for the Crescent Celebrating it's 85th birthday. In 2 days over 4000 Crescents were sold and 28 dozen were shipped over the US. A map has been created to show how far customers have traveled to or from for the Tipton Bakery Crescent. Currently only 5 states still need to be represented and 13 Countries have already been represented.

In order to make the Tipton Bakery Crescent a household name we need to expand and update our equipment. One example being that the oven was purchased in the 1950's. Upgrading our website for online purchasing is also on our list.

Tiffiny's Tipton Bakery is a Full Service bakery including breads, donuts, customizing cakes (sculpted, tiered cakes, and fondant cakes) sandwiches, soups, pastries, etc. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Please help us make the Tipton Bakery Crescent available nation wide!
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