How It Works
Submit Your Dream:
September 8th - October 15th, 2012
will be taken on September 8th, 2012 starting at 12:00 PM CDT until October 15th,
2012 at 12:00 PM CDT. |
Post Dreams:
October 15th, 2012
Staff will post dreams that comply with our Rules and Regulations. |
October 15th - October 29th, 2012
Voting will take place starting on October 15th at 12:00 PM CDT and
will end at 12:00 PM CDT on October 29th, 2012. |
Pitch Off:
November 13, 2012
The top five dreams receiving the most votes* will pitch their business to a panel of business experts on Nov 13. Winner will be announced at the annual Business Recognition Event to be held the next day on Nov 14. |
*In the event one of the top five (5) businesses in the popular vote contest isn’t able to participate in the Pitch-Off or attend the Business Recognition Event, the 6th place winner will advance, etc. in that order.
- Eligibility
The MyEntre.Net "Dream Big Grow Here Lakes Corridor" Grant Contest is open only to legal residents of the State of Iowa, of the Counties of Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson, and Emmet. There is no age restriction in this competition. Participants cannot have more than 30 full time employees. Participants must be for-profit organizations. Participants may only enter one "Dream Big Grow Here" regional contest per calendar year. Previous Dream Big Grow Here 1st place winners in the State of Iowa are not eligible.
Iowa Lakes Corridor Pitch Off Date: Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. Location TBD. Note: The individual registering MUST be present at both the Pitch-off and Business Recognition Event the next day to be eligible for the $5,000 prize.
Employees of MyEntre.Net, Iowa Lake Corridor, and the University of Northern Iowa Regional Business Center and the immediate family members of such employees (parent, child, sibling, spouse) and persons living in the same household as such employees (whether related or not) are not eligible. In addition, Partnering Sponsors, their affiliates and the immediate family members of such employees (parent, child, sibling, spouse) and persons living in the same household as such employees (whether related or not) are not eligible. Participants may only enter one "Dream Big Grow Here' regional contest per calendar year. Iowa Lakes Corridor (Sponsor) reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify any individual and any or all of his/her Application(s) and/or votes deemed in Sponsor's sole and absolute discretion to be (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry or voting process or the operation of the Grant Program or any Sponsor website; (b) violating the Official Application Guidelines; (c) violating the terms of service, conditions of use and/or general rules; or (d) acting in an unfair or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, harass any other person or act fraudulently in any manner. Void where prohibited.
- Grant Program Period
The opportunity to submit an entry in the Grant Contest begins 12:00 PM CDT on September 8, 2012 (the first date/time you can submit an Application) and ends 12:00 PM CDT on October 15th, 2012. Voting will take place beginning on October 15th at 12:00 PM CDT and end on October 29th at 12:00 PM CDT.
- How to Apply
To apply for the Grant Contest visit and follow the links and instructions to complete your entry. Submit the completed entry and it will be reviewed by the Iowa Lakes Corridor staff to make sure it conforms to our Nomination Guidelines (see 'Nomination Guidelines' listed below).
You will receive an email from the Iowa Lakes Corridor and/or affiliates letting you know we have received your submission. Within 48 hours you will receive another email from the Iowa Lakes Corridor and/or affiliates letting you know if your submission has been approved or denied.
- Voting
Individuals may vote for as many entries as they desire, but may only vote for each dream once per day, as defined by running every day from 12:00:00 AM until 11:59:59 PM. To help prevent vote fraud, we have imposed a limit of 1 vote per entry, per day by computer network. Entries found in violation of the Voting rules may be terminated from the Grant Contest, and votes determined to be cast in violation of these terms will be removed. Click here for details on how the voting system works.
Visitors will be required to use their personal Facebook accounts to vote. If a user who wishes to vote does not have a Facebook account, they are able to create one for free here: No data collected from Facebook will be used outside of voting verification, and voters will have the option whether or not to share their vote with their Facebook friends.
The five (5) entries receiving the largest vote tallies during the voting period will be eligible to participate in a pitch-off to determine the final $5,000 winner. Advisory & coaching services will be made available to the five eligible entries between October 30, 2012 and November 12, 2012. On November 13, 2012, an expert panel appointed by Iowa Lakes Corridor will evaluate live presentations presented by each of the five eligible entries. Iowa Lakes Corridor reserves the right to change the pitch-off date. Participation in person at the pitch-off and business recognition event the next day is required to be considered for a grant award. Award winner will be announced at the Iowa Lakes Corridor Business Recognition Event held at 11:30:00 AM until 1:00:00 PM November 14, 2012.
- Nomination Guidelines:
- The nomination must be in English.
- The Nomination cannot include matter that infringes or violates the rights of another, living or deceased including but not limited to promotion, privacy or academic property rights;
- The Nomination cannot belittle any brand names or trademarks;
- The Nomination cannot belittle any parties involved or affiliated with the promotion and administration of this promotion including but not limited to Sponsor and administrators;
- The Nomination cannot contain any matter that is obscene, hateful, distasteful, offensive, malicious, tortuous or libelous;
- The Nomination cannot contain matter that encourages or promotes racist attitudes, hatred, harm or intolerance towards any individual or group or that encourages or promotes prejudice based upon gender, sex, ethnicity, disability, religion, national origin, age or sexual orientation ; and
- The Nomination must contain material appropriate for publication in an open forum (as determined by Sponsor and administrators ). For example, inappropriate material would include but not be limited to material relating to unlawful activities, property damage or threats thereof, profanity, threats of physical violence or material that is in violation of the laws and/or regulations in any jurisdiction where Nomination is created.”
- Release
By Participating in and/or accepting a Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant, you thereby release Sponsor, administrators, the State of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa, as well as their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, distributors, promotion agency and Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant Suppliers and each of their respective parent companies and organizations, and each such entity’s/company’s/organization’s employees, directors, officers and agents from and against any claim or cause of action, including but not limited to damage to or loss of property, personal injury or death, through participation in the promotion or receipt or use or misuse of any Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant.
- General Conditions
Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, suspend and/or adjust the promotion or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the promotion, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsors may take all necessary steps to verify information related to claims made by entrants. If terminated, Sponsor, in its sole discretion may determine the Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant recipients from among all non-suspect, eligible Nominations received up to time of such action using the judging procedure as outlined above. At the Sponsor’s sole discretion, Sponsor reserves the right to prohibit and ban any individual it finds to be tampering with or altering the Nomination process or the operation of the promotion or to be acting in violation of the official rules or of those of any other promotion or in any unfair or disruptive manner, and void all associated nomination(s). Any attempt by any person to intentionally undermine the legitimate operation of the Promotion may be a violation of criminal and/or civil laws, and if such attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages and other remedies (including attorney fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these official rules shall not constitute a waiver of that rule or condition.
- Limitations of Liability
Through submitting an application for a Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant, Participants agree that:
- Any and all claims, disputes and causes of action because of or connected with their application, the grant program and/or any grant will be resolved individually without remedy to any form of class action;
- Any and all claims, judgments and awards will be limited to actual third-party, out-of-pocket costs sustained but in no event will attorney’s fees be awarded or recoverable;
- Under no circumstances will participants be allowed to obtain any award for, and participants knowingly and expressly waive all rights to seek, punitive, incidental, consequential, or special damages, lost profits and/or any other damages;
- They permanently waive any right to seek injunctive or equitable reprieve; and
- They release and hold harmless the State of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa, Sponsor, all affiliated parties, and all of their employees and agents from any and all claims that any commercial, advertising, presentation, web content or any other material produced, presented, and/or prepared by or on behalf of Sponsor infringes the rights of participant as contained in any application or otherwise.
- Finalists and Winners
Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor grant contest winners will be awarded funds upon submission of receipts showing funds were used towards an existing business, or business start-up. Funds may be applied in any manner that is consistent with the business ideas presented in the application process.
Dream Big Grow Here Iowa Lakes Corridor Grant Contest finalists and winners will be required to do an interview with the staff from for promotional purposes of the site and the Contest. Contest winners and finalists may also be asked to write blogs on our site. These blogs may contain information regarding the Dreamer's business lesson learned, their successes and failures, advice to other entrepreneurs, and plans for the future. You may also agree to be a MyEntre.Net Webinar presenter covering the same basic topics as the blog.
Regional winners will automatically become eligible to compete for a larger cash prize at the statewide Dream Big Grow Here contest.